Delaware Strikes Gold at NYU

UDFS starts the season off strong!
This past weekend UDFS traveled to Sport-O-Rama Ice Rink to compete in the Violet Classic. This was the first competition of the season. After two tough days of competition, UDFS was crowned the champions.
UDFS had a total of 169 points. Boston University came in second with a total of 152 points. And Dartmouth claimed the bronze with 130.5 points.
The 2018-2019 UDFS president Samantha Puhl said, “I’m so proud of each and every one of the individuals who competed and supported UDFS this weekend. Whether they were battling illness or injury, each athlete in every skill level was able to rise to the occasion and contribute their hardest efforts to our first victory of the season. We’re off to a great start and you can bet that this season is sure to be a very promising one.”
Paige Conners debuts her first collegiate competition with two gold medal winning performances. She spoke about her first collegiate competition by saying, “I had such an incredible time at my first intercollegiate sectional competition! I loved the energy and excitement from my team!”
We are so excited to continue training and head into MIT even stronger! UDFS will be competing at MIT February 1st-3rd, 2019 for the second competition of the season.
The UDFS individual medalists include:
Annabel Will: First place, medium team maneuvers; First place, Excel intermediate ladies
Ashley Rooney: First place, Excel Senior Ladies
Brooke Tripp: First place, medium team maneuvers; First place, excel juvenile ladies; Fourth place, juvenile ladies short
Brynn Dayon: First place, low team maneuvers; First place, preliminary ladies excel
Emily Joseph: First place, low team maneuvers; Second place, excel juvenile ladies; First place, juvenile ladies short
Evan Walter: First place, low team maneuvers; First place, senior pattern dance
Evelyn Welsh: First place, low team maneuvers; Third place, international dance
Georgia Halmo: First place, low team maneuvers
Hannah Gottfried: First place, high team maneuvers; Fourth place, junior short; Third place, preliminary dance; Second place, juvenile pattern dance; First place, excel junior ladies
Janelle Skaden: First place, medium team maneuvers
Julia Rowland: Fifth place, junior championship
Leah Krauskopf: First place, high team maneuvers; First place, gold pattern dance; First place, international dance
Lindsay Jaeger: First place, medium team maneuvers
Louwee Shibata: Fourth place, novice short
McKenna Schindler: First place, medium team maneuvers
Paige Conners: First place, junior short; Sixth place, preliminary pattern dance; First place, junior championship
Samantha Lee: Fourth place, intermediate ladies short
Samantha Puhl: First place, high team maneuvers; Fourth place, senior ladies short; Fourth place, senior championship
Zoe Gobeille: Third place, excel junior ladies
Nicole Maguire